Commonwealth Scholar - The iSchool at Pitt

Check out the life of a graduate Pitt iSchool Commonwealth Scholar!

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Vote for Scholars: Your Nominees for DSO, ASIS&T, and SCALA

Hey iSchool!

We, Shayla Boyce and Jourdan Walls, are running together for the iSchool’s Diversity Student Organization (DSO) as Vice President and President (2nd term), respectively. Jourdan is also running for President of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&Tand Shayla is running for Vice President of the Pittsburgh Student Chapter of the American Library Association (SCALA).

Diversity and Students Are Our Job! As Commonwealth Scholars, we already have the privilege of working on diversity initiatives and great social, academic, and professional events. On a daily basis, we work within the Student Services Office, tending to your needs, and collaborating with the professional staff and faculty to put together awesome opportunities just for you!

Vote for Shayla and Jourdan for DSO | Vote for Jourdan for ASIS&T | Vote for Shayla for SCALA

Click to go to  Jourdan‘s message

What I (Shayla) can offer to the Diversity Student Organization (DSO)

As the Vice President of the Diversity Student Organization I wish to advocate for the diverse voices within the iSchool. It is important to me that all voices are heard.  The skills that I can bring to the table are commitment and dedication, creativity, as well as event planning capabilities. Also during my undergraduate years I participated in an organization that focused on diversity recruitment which is one of the many goals within DSO.

What I can offer to the Pittsburgh Student Chapter of the American Library Association (SCALA)-

Within the Pittsburgh Student Chapter of the American Library Association I hope to focus on programming that pertains to the development of practical skills. The Library and Information Science program is a very short program with many classes that focusing on theoretical discussion but not always practical hands on experience. I would like to focus in on the essential tools and software that is popular within the field in order to give students an opportunity to gain the practical skills needed for a smoother transition into the workforce.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

What I (Jourdan) Can Offer to the Diversity Student Organization (DSO) and the Association of Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T)

Through last year’s experience as President of DSO and Vice President of ASIS&T,  I have learned a lot about the school and the students’ needs. This year, my goal is to provide each student of our school with the best academic, social, and professional experiences. This includes providing an open and useful platform for you as students to share your ideas and concerns from your experiences in the iSchool, as well as giving you the opportunity to be connected and well-prepared for the professional world before you graduate.

As President of DSO, I want to host the second annual iCCC , a student/faculty/staff panel; an internship/practicum/field experience poster session; and numerous social events and field trips. I hope to look more into community service initiatives around the Pittsburgh area that will encourage diversity in the information sciences as well.

As President of ASIS&T,  I want to host Employer Sessions that would provide great professional networking opportunities for ALL iSchool students. I also want to provide opportunities for discounted/free membership to the international association, including access to ASIS&T conferences;  study/tinkering sessions; archives/library-related tours and trips; and tech meet-up field trips.

I deeply care about the achievements and happiness of my peers and community within the iSchool. Serving you all as president of DSO and ASIS&T would be an absolute honor. Thank you for your time and consideration!

Click to go to Shayla‘s mesage

Vote for Shayla and Jourdan for DSO | Vote for Jourdan for ASIS&T | Vote for Shayla for SCALA

A Quick Intro

Sorry for the delayed introduction. My name is Shayla Boyce and the last two weeks have been a whirlwind.

I am Shayla, a Commonwealth Scholar working alongside Jourdan this semester. I am in the Master of Library and Information Science program with a specialization in public libraries. I completed my undergraduate degree in December 2013 from Shippensburg University. Before starting the program I worked at the Hill District Branch of the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. I did not always want to be a librarian (for a number of years I verbally denounced the idea), but working in the Hill District let me know that this career was where I wanted to be.

I am on week three of my program and I still find it strange to say I am a graduate student. The first week was intense to say the least. I elected to attend the on-campus course LIS-2000 which was a bit different than in previous years. I spent the last week of August in class Monday through Friday from 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Yes, class from 9 in the morning until 5 in the evening. We attended lecture, were assigned groups, and were told that we had to present a conference style presentation at the end of the week. As crazy as this may sound it was not an entire nightmare. I spent most of the time feeling a little lost and inferior. I was surrounded by all these brilliant people with real world experiences and skills that I simply did not have. It was not until the end of the week that it clicked. I lack a lot of skills, but I was focusing too much on what I wasn’t instead of who I was and what my group could teach me.

The second week I started my hours in the Admissions Office at the iSchool as well as my Partners Placement at Carnegie Library of Swissvale. This adds up to about thirty hours a week not including travel time. I have always admired those who worked and went to school full time and now I am not sure how they do it. If you have any secrets please share them!! I am working on keeping on top and ahead of everything, but I make errors like everyone else.
If I have learned anything for sure it is that this is all a learning experience and there is always room for growth. I look forward to sharing my experiences with you. Wish me luck.


Back to School!!

Hey guys, long time no blog! I was supposed to write a loooooong time ago, but I was but so busy with my internship and all  my fun summer adventures, I haven’t found the time!

I was in DC working for 2 months as a test analyst. That was an amazing experience because it was actually a skill that I wanted to learn in class. I didn’t have the time to take the course, so I got hands on experience! I really enjoyed my time interning, because I discovered a lot about myself. I understand more about my leadership style and work ethic. I also met a lot of great people through tons of networking events. I still keep in touch with a few!

I’m excited to start the new school year with you all, even though it will be without Angela *cries*.

Congratulations, Angela! I’ll miss you, buddy!

P.S. We have a new Commonwealth Scholar! She will be introduced to you soon! Yay! We have some cool events coming up, so stay tuned! I’ll be in the office tomorrow, so come on by and say hello! 🙂

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