Commonwealth Scholar - The iSchool at Pitt

Check out the life of a graduate Pitt iSchool Commonwealth Scholar!

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Thanksgiving w/ the Scholars!


This year,  Angela and I decided to stay in Pittsburgh for Thanksgiving. There’s two weeks left in the semester and we have SO much work to do. Luckily, we still had a nice dinner with our Pitt family. I had an awesome break from projects by stuffing my face and watching the Ravens beat the Steelers with fellow Marylanders (sorry Pittsburgh! lol) Thanks Mike for inviting us Thanksgiving loners!

I’m very grateful to have my family supporting me while I’m here at Pitt and I’m thankful for the friends that support me here 🙂

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving too!

The Difference Between Pittsburgh and Home

The difference Between Pittsburgh and Home

I think one of the hugest struggles in my journey through Pitt is that there’s hardly any snow days where they close down the university. It’s a hard thing to accept when you’ve been spoiled by 22 years of living in Maryland (specifically the DC/MD/VA area) where they show no hesitation in prematurely announcing cancellations for “dangerous weather” that just turns out to be rain the next morning 🙂  Ahh, good ol’ Maryland… those were the days. *Sigh.*

No Pain No Gain

The greatest workers and executives have “learning agility.” Learning agility is the willingness and ability to learn from experience and then apply those lessons to succeed in new situations.

Last week, I was reading an article by Gary Burnison, CEO at Korn/Ferry International, about how to get hired by Twitter…or Walmart…or any company. In the article, it discussed one key skill, the insatiable desire to learn. In a fast-paced field such as information science and technology, the ability to adapt and always be ready to learn something new is crucial. If you don’t update and upgrade, you become obsolete. It makes sense for phones and music players. It should make sense for us as well, right?

In fact, if you are a lifelong learner, not only can you get a job, you will have the tools to adapt to every situation and all changes.

I was very happy to read this article because it came at the perfect time. As the semester comes to a close, I’m finishing up several projects, a few where I have NO clue what I’m doing and how I’m going to complete them. But, it’s okay! Do you know why? I’m learning. By the end of this semester when I turn in my e-commerce database system, event bulletin board, and other web projects, I will have accomplished something far more amazing than an A (fingers crossed). I will have conquered new environments, concepts, and programming languages, and developed new skills. I will have strengthened my adaptability and endurance. It’s an awesome feeling to know that through all of the struggling, I’m gaining SO MUCH! It lets me know that obstacles I’m facing are absolutely worth it.

And next semester? I’m taking even harder courses. But I’m ready for the challenge. BRING ON THE LEARNING!! NO PAIN, NO GAIN (or awesome job offers)!!!!!

I will give you one tip. Learn. And apply what you have learned to make positive change.

So, let’s put “learn” into practice. Do you have a meeting this week? Do you have a task to do? What are you learning from the task you are doing – are you reporting on it? In the next meeting you go to, do you start out and say – “Here is a what I learned and how we can apply it?”

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