Commonwealth Scholar - The iSchool at Pitt

Check out the life of a graduate Pitt iSchool Commonwealth Scholar!

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Meetings, Meetings, and more Meetings

This past month has been filled with meetings for numerous organizations, both student organizations and local. Two that I had the chance to attend were the Special Libraries Association (SLA) – Pittsburgh Chapter meeting and the School of Information Sciences Graduate Organization (SISGO) meeting.

The SLA meeting occurred on Monday, September 30 and covered “ePortfolios and Beyond.” Nancy Flury Carlson, a member of SLA, gave a broad overview of where to create these, the benefits, and her experience in the creation of her own ePortfolio. It was a great opportunity to meet the local SLA chapter, eat delicious food from Salim’s, and get insight into how ePortfolios have helped these professionals in their careers.

This morning I attended the SISGO meeting. As an officer of DSO and SAASC, I am a voting member of SISGO. This was an informational meeting discussing the nuts and bolts of what to expect this upcoming year. Our staff liaisons were very encouraging of the students to do as we will. We have a wide range of freedom to utilize our student activity fee in a constructive manner; planning and executing professional, academic, and social events for our iSchool student body.

As Commonwealth Scholars, Jourdan and I plan monthly Social Hour, and recruitment events for prospective iSchool students. However, we are just as excited to be a part of more events through our officer roles, events benefiting our student body in other capacities as well!

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us!

The Results Are In!

The election results were announced for the iSchool student organizations. Congratulations to everyone!

SIS-Council Reps
BSIS: Steven Schiliniski, Alternate: Christopher Marx
Masters: Emily Gorman, Alternate: Anuj Desai
PhD: Claudia Lopez, Alternate: Michael Widdersheim
VICE PRESIDENT: Aisling Quigley
PRESIDENT: Anna-Sophia Zingarelli
BUSINESS MANAGER: Xavier Dillahunt
PRESIDENT: Michael Widdersheim
VICE PRESIDENT: Emily Mross & Lydia Kibler
PRESIDENT: Sarita Wescott
VICE PRESIDENT: Aisling Quigley
PRESIDENT: Anna-Sophia Zingarelli & Emily Reed
VICE PRESIDENT: Spencer Goodwin
PRESIDENT: Angel Ramos
BUSINESS MANAGER: Praveen Narayana Kumanan & Jun Yin
VICE PRESIDENT: Angela Bradshaw
PRESIDENT: Jourdan Walls
Doc Guild
BUSINESS MANAGER: Michael Widdersheim
VICE PRESIDENT: William Garrard
PRESIDENT: Cristina Robles
BUSINESS MANAGER: Xavier Dillahunt
PRESIDENT: Praveen Narayana Kumanan

Vote for Scholars! Your Nominees for DSO, ASIS&T, SAASC, and SLAPSG!

We, Angela Bradshaw and  Jourdan Walls, are running together for the iSchool’s Diversity Student Organization (DSO) as Vice President and President, respectively. Jourdan is also running for Vice President of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T). Angela is also running for Business Manager of the Society of American Archivists Student Chapter (SAASC). Since you do not know us too well, we want to give you a brief background of who we are and what we can offer to these organizations. In addition, we wanted to give you a brief background for some awesome nomineesXavier Dillahunt (MSIS), Aisling Quigley (MLIS), Emily Reed (MLIS), and Anna-Sophia Zingarelli (MLIS) that are running too!

Diversity and Students Are Our Job! As Commonwealth Scholars, we already have the privilege of working on diversity initiatives and great social, academic, and professional events. On a daily basis, we work within the Student Services Office, tending to your needs, and collaborating with the professional staff to put together awesome things just for you!

What Jourdan Can Offer DSO and ASIS&T
I am experienced in event planning, leadership, and communication. I deeply care about the achievements of my peers and community within the iSchool. My goal is to provide a variety of opportunities that are intriguing and beneficial to your time as a student and professional.

Jourdan’s Experience

  • Dynamic Dance Team, VP of Communications/Choreographer/Social Chairperson – Coordinated and promoted programs, performances, and social events, updated team website, led team in absence of President and VP
  • National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), UMCP Chapter, Pre-college Initiative Committee – helped facilitate technical community outreach events,  networked and gained professional knowledge at annual conferences
  • Resident Assistant and Community Assistant – Coordinated events for 30+ students under a budget, served as a liaison on Resident Life student leader council

What Angela Can Offer DSO and SAASC
I am interested in continuing the traditions of DSO and SAASC at Pitt. My DSO goals are to encourage continued professional and personal networking amongst our diverse student population through active programming. My SAASC goals are to revamp the chapter website and increase iSchool and community awareness of archiving.

Angela’s Experience

  • Sisterhood Chair (Delta Phi Epsilon – Eta Chapter @ Pitt) – Created and promoted monthly events for 60+ members within a budget
  • Parent/Alumnae Coordinator (Delta Phi Epsilon – Eta Chapter @ Pitt) – Facilitated continued outreach to alumnae; hosted events for parents and alumnae
  • Client Service Coordinator (BusinesSuites) – Organized necessary items for trade shows; represented BusinesSuites while networking with other professionals

Check Out These Other Great iSchool Nominees!

Xavier Dillahunt – Business Manager of ASIS&T

My name is Xavier Dillahunt and I am running for Business Manager of ASIS&T. I received my undergraduate degree from North Carolina A&T State University with a B.S in Economics. While an undergraduate student, I was President of A&T’s Investors Club for two years. Throughout my presidency, I taught students financial literacy, and different investment strategies. I can offer my competence, leadership skills, professionalism, and experience and apply it to the Business Manager position.

Aisling Quigley – VP of SAASC and SLAPSG

My name is Aisling (pronounced “Ashling”) Quigley and I’m applying to be VP of SLAPSG or SAA. Here’s a little more about myself: After graduating from Carleton College in Minnesota, I worked for almost four years in program management and as an exhibition assistant in a museum, library, and academic institution. Needless to say, I have a fair bit of experience with collaboration! I also organized a national conference of academics and professional staff (including librarians!) about visual learning. With this under my belt, I am excited to contribute to student organizations at the iSchool as an organizer and team-member. I promise to bring my event-planning experience to the table!

Emily Reed – VP of SAASC and SLAPSG
I’m interested in becoming the Vice President of either SAASC or SLAPSG precisely because we have such a short amount of time to take advantages of the resources available to us at the iSchool. I know I can help our student organization make connections with alumni and professionals through guest speakers, facility tours, and technical workshops. I have a history of working with community based organizations. I was an Archivist and Designer for the Kurt Vonnegut Memorial Library, Research and Marketing Assistant for Building Better Communities, and Designer for Hillcroft Services Marketing Project. I see my work with our student organizations as an extension of a goal-driven quest to helping our own LIS community in future endeavors.

Anna-Sophia Zingarelli – President of SAASC and SLAPSG

Hello! I’m Anna-Sophia Zingarelli, and I’m running for President of SAASC and SLAPSG. I’m an MLIS student in the Archives and Information Sciences track, and an intern at the Frick Fine Arts Library and the Carnegie Museum of Art. I am also the Student Groups Liaison for the students and new professionals group of ArLiS/NA, the Art Libraries Society of North America. I received my MA in History of Art and Archaeology in 2011 from New York University’s Institute of Fine Arts before working as a volunteer manager with a major arts education nonprofit in Manhattan. As an undergraduate, I was very active in student organizations, serving as the Founding President of the History Club and President of the English Club. I became President of the English Club quite by accident as the sole remaining member, and during my tenure I grew the Club into an active group of about 15, with a full roster of events and lively competition for the following year’s officer slots. My experience running these groups will be invaluable in representing the iSchool university-wide and nationally, and in programming to serve the diverse interests of our students. Given the high proportion of Archives students with an interest in art libraries, I am especially committed to strengthening programming in this area and providing professional development opportunities to supplement our studies. I believe the role of student groups is partly social, but also partly to build competencies that fall outside the broad scope of our curriculum, and if elected, I will use my past experience and current connections in the field to enhance and round out your student experience.

Thanks for reading and please vote for us! Voting opens Saturday, September 21st until Friday, September 27th

Upcoming Events:

$tart $mart Salary Negotiation Workshop for Women in STEM – September 22nd, 11:00am

The Carnegie Museums of Art and Natural History – September 27th. RSVP by September 20th!

Homecoming: UVA @ Pitt – September 28th

October Social Hour – October 4th

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