Commonwealth Scholar - The iSchool at Pitt

Check out the life of a graduate Pitt iSchool Commonwealth Scholar!

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Yesterday was our iSchool-wide social hour and Student Organization Meeting.

There were tons of snacks, games (including Mario Kart!), and students from all three tracks, MLIS, MSIS, and MST. It was a great way to meet Jourdan’s classmates and other students in Tele, and those students in my classes that I hadn’t had a chance to get to know.

Afterwards, we had a brief Student Organization Meeting to get the basics of the organizations. We have 9 organizations,

We’ll have nominations for the next week, and the following week to vote.

And, our Pitt Football team just beat University of New Mexico, 27-49! Hail to Pitt! (H2P)

Alumni Networking Panel!

Tonight was the Alumni Networking Panel! Two MLIS graduates came in to speak to current iSchool students about their graduate school experience, finding a job, and working afterwards. There was pizza, pop, and plenty of questions ranging from what classes have had the biggest impact in their current job to resume tips.

The greatest advice I took away from this event is to take advantage of our career services resources. We have a group of iSchool alumni that are willing to practice mock phone interviews AND review resumes. Its never too early to brush up on those interview skills!

System.out.println(“Hello World!”)

I survived my first week of grad school! To be honest, I thought it would be an absolutely frightening experience, but it wasn’t that bad! I graduated from the University of Maryland with a B.S. in Psychology, so I haven’t had much technical preparation outside of a few programming courses that I took years ago. I thought becoming an MSIS student would be  quite intimidating. It still is, but I have so much support and great people around me! It’s a very motivating environment.

This semester, I am taking Database Management Systems, Web Technologies and Standards, Introduction to Information Sciences, and Data Structures. All of my instructors seem really nice and supportive. They are also very skilled and knowledgeable in their fields, which makes the classes even more interesting! I probably don’t have as much reading as Angela, but I do have to read quite a few chapters this week to teach myself the ins and outs of different computer programming languages that I have to use, including XHTML and Java (there are more that I haven’t gotten into yet). I’m pretty excited for the semester. I know I have a lot of work ahead of me, but I know it will be worth it 🙂

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