This is another post inspired by what I wish I would have known before I came to library school.
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Last year, Jourdan and Angela participated in the Books and Bots Design Challenge. This year the challenge was taken to the next level as teams were asked to design and develop a working prototype of an interactive game. The teams were given an incredible opportunity to work with TechShop- Pittsburgh and receive training in 3D printing and laser cutting. At the end of the 7 month journey, two teams were left standing, Team Jumunji and Team Escape from Mousecatraz .
This game challenge had only a few requirements:
- Teams used an Arduino kit
- The game must be interactive
- The game must be composed of skills learned at TechShop
Students were asked to keep track of their projects by writing blog posts. These posts can be found here.To find out more about the two competing teams and who won the challenge, read more below.
Last week, I had the opportunity to attend NSBE 41: Innovation & Excellence: Reimagining Your Future in Anaheim, CA to recruit for the iSchool! This year was a different in a few ways; I didn’t have to look for a job, and I had another student recruiter with me! I had a great time meeting students from all over the country and talking to them about their aspirations. I even talked to a high school student about college and going to med school! I also reconnected with SO many people from my old NSBE chapter at UMCP. It was really beautiful *tear*.