After my Human Factors class on Monday, I went bowling with my database management group mates from last semester, Sam and Xavier. The iSchool reserved lanes in the back room of Arsenal Bowling. We got there and met up with Mike (i3 Program Director), Lydia (MLIS), and Kelly (MLIS) and started up a game! Since there’s no footage of the hilariousness that took place, here’s some gifs in replacement:
So this happened to Sam and I. I’m the kid and he’s the mother. By “mother”, I mean the guy who tried to sabotage my turn. And by “kid,” I mean me trying to hurry up and bowl before he could catch me.
Mike did amazingly and got 5 billion strikes, which looked a little like this (I hope I did you justice, Mike):
After a couple of subpar bowling games, we put the score aside and just bowled for fun. Part of that was perfecting our trick shots. By the end of the night, we looked like this:
Just kidding….it was mainly granny shots (bowling slowly, with 2 hands). BUT! I did discover that I’m an ambidextrous bowler! I’m not too bad with my eyes closed either. And by “not too bad”, I mean that the ball didn’t immediately fall into the gutter; it made it at least halfway.
Overall, this was an awesome night and I think this was the first time I’ve really hung out on a Monday school night (yes, after years of college). It was great to be around people that I don’t get to see on a regular basis, especially MLIS! There was so much laughter and entertainment, the time just flew by! The iSchool should definitely do this again!
Arsenal also makes great chicken tenders. Just thought I’d let you know…
Here’s some pictures from the night!
- Mike bowling
- Mike walking away from at least a spare.
- Database Management group together again!
- Xavier bowling using his slow and steady method
- Kelly watching
- Lydia bowling
- Goofiness with my buddy, Xavier!
- My “trick shot,” the reverse granny shot.
- Decent form
- Practicing
- Hey, Sam!
- Kelly’s turn!
- Before the gutter ball lol
- The gang!
- Mike with Xavier and I! Thanks for the great event!!